Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sickness and in Strength?

Lately my expectations of summer plummeted. I went to the clinic Tuesday morning and had a strep and mononucleosis test done. Both came back positive. :( This now explains why I've been sleeping 13+ hours and not eating.
This is the fifth time I've had strep in a year. My mom and I finally came to a conclusion and decided that when I'm not longer sick, we're going to schedule an appointment with an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) surgeon to have my tonsils removed. I don't like surgeries (had my wisdom teeth pulled out in 2013), but if it will get rid of this horrible on-and-off sickness, that'd be just peachy.
Since strep is curable, I've been taking penicillin pills for it. But mono is not curable with a medication; it just has to run its course. Its been pretty strong at certain times of the day and knocks me out cold. Other times I feel wide awake and ambitious. (And I thought my period was wack.)
Hopefully I'll start to feel better by July because I start college and my CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) course. I am super excited to become a nurse! I have to work at a nursing home for a while then I want to switch over to a pediatric hospital (St. Francis). I'll be making more money than I did working at Sonic or McDonald's and be able to afford more kawaii and Japanese things! Also, I need to save up for my trip to Japan. Should I buy squishies while I'm there? Would anyone want some (Instagram friends? Penpals?) Does anyone even read this?
My boyfriend did come over for a long time though which made me a very happy girl. :) He and I would cuddle in my bed and watch YouTube videos (mainly Jacksepticeye and Pewdiepie) until we both fall sleep.

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